Yksi yksinkertaisimmista tavoista suorittaa liekkitesti on leikata näyte muovista ja sytyttää se savukaapissa. The colour of flame, scent and characteristics of burning can give an indication of the type of plastic: 1. Polyethylene (PE) – Drips, smells like candlewax; 2.Polypropylene (PP) – Drips, smells mostly of dirty engine oil and undertones of candlewax; 3. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA, “Perspex”) – Bubbles, crackles, sweet aromatic smell; 4. Polyamide or “Nylon” (PA) – Sooty flame, smells of marigolds; 5. Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS) – Not transparent, Sooty liekki, haisee marigolds ; 6. Polyetyleenivaahto (PE) - tippuu, kynttilänvahan tuoksut